Castello del piangano
Reggia di Colorno
Duomo di San donnino

An itinerary to discover the castles of Parma, Piacenza and Pontremoli Duchy, among medieval fortresses, sumptuous noble residences and amazing churches

An itinerary to discover the castles of Parma, Piacenza and Pontremoli Duchy, among medieval fortresses, sumptuous noble residences and amazing churches

The provinces of Parma, Piacenza and Massa Carrara are characterized by numerous castles, parish churches and noble residences which enrich the cultural panorama of the area.

Among the most fascinating castles there is Rocca Sanvitale in Fontanellato, which preserves a masterpiece of the painter Parmigianino, la Rocca in Soragna, the splendid Torrechiara Castle and the Piagnaro Castle in Pontremoli with the Statue Stele Museum.

Numerous are the itineraries about the sumptuous noble residences: from Colorno Reggia, which was Parma Dukes ‘home to Villa Dosi Delfini, a baroque house near the old town of Pontremoli, in Lunigiana.

There are also itineraries about spiritual places: San Donnino Cathedral in Fidenza, Santa Maria Assunta Parish Church in Fornovo and Santo Stefano Parish Church in Sorano in Filattiera, religious churches along Via Francigena.

Contact us for a tailor – made itinerary for groups and schools!